Onsite Piercing/Tattoo Guidelines
Any exhibitors interested in offering jewelry piercings or tattoos onsite at One Of A Kind, must get approval at least 60 days in advance from Show Management at ooakoperations@informa.com.
Exhibitors must abide by all Toronto Public Health regulations as outlined in the Body Safe General Information (PDF) and the Body Safe Event Information (PDF). Exhibitors must also fill out Toronto Public Health’s Vendor Event Form (PDF).
Exhibitors performing these services must have access to a hot/cold running water hand wash station. Please note that portable handwashing sinks must be able to supply hot (the hot water can be lukewarm but not cold) and cold water under pressure, must have a waste water tank, must have gauges, and the exhibitor along with OOAK must provide explanation to Toronto Public Health of where the waste water is disposed. In addition, the hand wash station must be equipped with liquid soap and paper towel or air dryer.
- Exhibitors may arrange to rent sinks from SHOWTECH within their booth space OR
- Exhibitors may be able to work with One Of A Kind to arrange a booth location within proximity of one of the venue’s public washrooms to utilize public sinks.
All exhibitors must use alcohol based hand rubs with either Natural Product Number (NPN) or Drug Identification Number (DIN) within their booths.
All instruments must be prepackaged, sterile and single use items
Exhibitors must bring their own sharps container to collect and dispose of instruments.
Exhibitors whose fixed premises are in Ontario, must provide proof (inspection report or a picture of pass sign) that their fixed premises have been inspected and received a satisfactory/pass results.
Additional Body Safe Forms:
- Client Record Form (PDF)
- Accidental Exposure Form (PDF)
- Purchased Sterile Items Record (PDF)