ooak Exhibitor Manual - Winter

We Will See You Soon:

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November 21 to December 1, 2024
Winter 2024 Exhibitor Manual
  • Exhibitor Kitexpand_more
    • Show Info
    • Move-In & Move-Out
    • Booth Regulations
    • Health & Safety
    • Exhibitor Services
    • Selling Guidelines
    • Special Sections
    • Service Order Forms
    • Official Suppliers
    • Code Of Conduct
  • Travel/Accommodationexpand_more
    • Travel and Accommodations
    • Plan Your Visit
  • Marketingexpand_more
    • Marketing Opportunities
    • Marketing Resources
    • Artisan Profile
    • PR Opportunities
  • Programmingexpand_more
    • Competition, Fashion Shows, Booth Awards
    • One Of A Kind Canvas
    • Awards
  • Meet The Team
  • Resourcesexpand_more
    • Sustainability
    • Booth Design
    • Contracted Items and New Products
    • Newsletter Archive
    • Facebook Group
  • Tickets & Badgesexpand_more
    • Tickets & Badges
  • Search
  • Marketing Opportunities
  • Marketing Resources
  • Artisan Profile
  • PR Opportunities

Make Your Marketing Plan

Marketing is key in any business, but when it comes to small businesses, finding the balance between costs and benefit and professional and personal means that there is no one roadmap for formulating a plan. Luckily, between the assets, opportunities and experiences the show offers and our amazing community of creative small business owners, there are lots of resources to set you on the path that makes the most sense for you! Below, you will find an overview of some of the marketing tools, resources and opportunities you can begin to build into your marketing plan for #OOAK24.

Our Brand

Whether this is your first or fortieth show, participating in One Of A Kind is cause for celebration! We are proud to showcase the best creatives in the country and couldn’t be more thrilled to count you among our community. So, here you will find some assets to help you share with the world that you are on your way to OOAK!

2024 Winter Show Marketing Campaign

With the rise of AI dominating public conversation, there’s a strong counter-appetite for things that are distinctly human. Awe is very human. This headline approach draws attention to the handcrafted aspect of OOAK as a very human experience in our increasingly machine/AI world. Especially in the Winter when people are shopping for themselves and looking for things they have a personal connection with.

For Winter, headlines will continue to overtly play with the human-made sentiment. Nod to the current world of AI, algorithms and automation. And, lean into the human connection that people feel when they buy things made by people. The 2024 Winter Campaign will utilize a refined version of our 2024 Spring & 2023 Winter campaign colour palettes, with a mixture of new and refined unique fingerprints, to create a visually arresting brand campaign to bring more attention to all that One Of A Kind has to offer.

Here you will learn more about our 2024 Winter brand guidelines. You will find sample campaign applications, how our fonts should be used, how our headlines are being used, what images will be used throughout this campaign, our updated fingerprints, and our updated colour palette.

Exhibitor Social Assets

We have developed a series of social media templates to announce your participation at the 2024 One Of A Kind Winter Show. The link has source files for you to edit to fit in your product images in line with our marketing campaign branding and a document on "how to use these assets".


We have the following set of logos that can be used by Exhibitors to announce their association with the show.

OOAK Logo (Creme)

OOAK Logo (Black)

Exhibitor Stamp (Vertical)

Exhibitor Stamp (Horizontal)

OOAK Logo (Creme)

OOAK Logo (Creme)

OOAK Logo (Black)

OOAK Logo (Black)

Exhibitor Stamp (Vertical)

Exhibitor Stamp (Vertical)

Exhibitor Stamp (Horizontal)

Exhibitor Stamp (Horizontal)


Our logos are created with paid fonts, but if you want to mimic the look for your promotions, here are the corresponding free fonts.

  • Download : Libre Baskerville (Normal 400) for logo lettering and headers.
  • Download: Open Sans Light (Book 300) for accent lettering and body text.


This year's #ooakdiarieschallenge kicks off on Instagram on November 4, 2024! This is a great way to share a little more about yourself, your process, and to be introduced to the broader One Of A Kind audience. This tradition has become a One Of A Kind favourite! This gives our audience the chance to see behind the scenes, get to know our makers better, and get a glimpse of what they will see at the show. We all can't wait to see what you will share this year!

Tag @ooak_toronto and use the hashtag #ooakdiarieschallenge along with the corresponding hashtag of the day for the chance to be reposted in our Instagram stories!

Social Media Policy

Here at One Of A Kind, we use social media to educate, engage and communicate with all of you as we work together towards a common goal: to create a safe and honest space to exchange ideas/resources to help make the maker community as strong and successful as it can be! We are committed to reading every post and comment and providing answers, information and resources, whenever possible. We do our best to repost everything in Instagram stories, but given the size and scale of our shows, we curate based on availability and do our best to ensure everyone is highlighted. Please note our social media accounts are not monitored 24/7. A small team checks posts and comments during regular office hours and do their very best to respond to inquiries within 1 business day.

As a One Of A Kind exhibitor, you have agreed to partner with us and are responsible for how you represent the brand, both on our channels and yours in the online world. Similarly, we are committed to stand by and represent our exhibitors in a positive and respectful manner on every communications channels, whether they be through advertisement, social media, print articles, etc. With this, please remember that any discussions pertaining to the show should be constructive and aimed at starting a healthy conversation to help improve the show. Any personal issues or isolated concerns should be addressed through the proper channels.

We encourage a useful exchange of comments, questions and suggestions. However, postings on any of our social media sites must not contain any inappropriate information, including but not limited to hate speech (personal attacks on fellow exhibitors or the show itself, profanity, racism, etc.), graphic, obscene, explicit or illegal submissions as well as advertisements and accusatory comments. One Of A Kind reserves the right to delete any inappropriate content. If an individual violates this policy, we reserve the right to block individuals from posting. As a member of this community, we also encourage you to report any inappropriate content so that we can maintain our community standards.

Please use these guidelines and resources and remember to start a discussion, not a fire. Let’s be productive and work together to make One Of A Kind and the craft community the best they can be!

Création de votre plan de marketing

Le marketing est la clé de toutes les activités commerciales. Mais pour les petites entreprises, il n’y a pas de modèle unique pour trouver le bon équilibre entre les dépenses et les retombées ni pour tracer la ligne entre le professionnel et le personnel. Heureusement, grâce au matériel, aux occasions et aux expériences offertes dans le cadre du salon, et grâce à notre incroyable communauté de propriétaires de petites entreprises créatives, bien des ressources sont à votre disposition pour vous guider sur la meilleure voie. Voici un survol des outils, ressources et occasions que vous pourrez intégrer à votre plan de marketing pour #OOAK22

Votre marque

Aujourd’hui, pour qu’une entreprise connaisse le succès, une marque solide et une vision claire sont essentielles. Déterminer la mission et les valeurs de votre marque vous aidera à bien choisir les projets et les occasions qui vous conviennent et à seulement consacrer votre énergie et votre temps précieux à ce qui a le plus de retombées pour votre entreprise.

Dans le contexte des salons des exposants, il est particulièrement important de définir ce qui vous permet de vous démarquer des autres exposants de la même catégorie. Nous savons que la plupart de nos visiteurs traversent le salon d’un bout à l’autre, mais il est de votre responsabilité d’attirer leur attention. Trouvez votre proposition de vente unique et intégrez-la partout, de votre marque à votre stratégie de marchandisage, en passant par votre argumentaire de vente, ce qui motivera les clients à acheter immédiatement vos produits ou à se souvenir de vous lorsqu’ils seront prêts à faire des achats.

Demandez-vous :

  • Quelle valeur êtes-vous la seule entreprise à proposer?
  • Quelle partie de votre histoire attire les gens?
  • Comment pouvez-vous miser sur ces éléments pour élargir votre réseau de clients et de créateurs?

Pendant que vous concevez votre plan de marketing pour #OOAK22, ayez toujours en tête vos valeurs et votre proposition de vente unique. Cela vous aidera à créer un argumentaire de vente cohérent qui attirera des foules de clients pendant le salon!

Notre marque

Que ce soit votre premier ou votre quarantième salon OOAK, il y a de quoi célébrer votre participation! Nous sommes fiers de présenter les meilleurs artisans au pays et nous ne pourrions être plus heureux de vous compter parmi nous. Voici quelques ressources qui vous aideront à passer le mot quant à votre participation au salon!


Voici un ensemble de logos que les exposants peuvent utiliser pour annoncer leur association avec le salon d’hiver One Of A Kind 2022.

Lignes directrices de la marque (en anglais)

Logo OOAK (couleur crème)

Logo OOAK (noir)

Sceau de l’exposant (vertical)

Sceau de l’exposant (horizontal)

Logo OOAK (couleur crème)

Logo OOAK (couleur crème)

Logo OOAK (noir)

Logo OOAK (noir)

Sceau de l’exposant (vertical)

Sceau de l’exposant (vertical)

Sceau de l’exposant (horizontal)

Sceau de l’exposant (horizontal)

Polices de caractères

Nos logos sont créés avec des polices de caractères payantes. Si vous souhaitez imiter notre style dans vos propres publications, voici les polices de caractères gratuites correspondantes.

Télécharger : Libre Baskerville (Normal 400) pour le logo et les titres.

Télécharger : Open Sans Light (Book 300) pour les mots accentués et le corps du texte.

Occasions de marketing

Le marketing, les événements de relations publiques et les expériences proposées peuvent vous aider à augmenter la visibilité de votre marque et à améliorer votre passage au salon OOAK. Profitez de la possibilité d’être présenté(e) dans nos documents de marketing! Envoyez-nous des photos de vos stocks et les renseignements nécessaires en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous.